When you first get hearing aids, you may think that they would immediately change your world. Many first-time users don’t realize that it takes a few days to a week to adjust to wearing their new hearing aids. There are a few key issues that you may experience with your new hearing aids. Being prepared for these issues is vital to enjoying your hearing aids.

Loud Noises

One key problem that many new hearing aid users experience is loud noise. This can be a result of the actual volume control on your hearing aids, or they may not fit your ears right. If you adjust the volume control to no avail, then it’s best to seek fitting help from our hearing care team.

Too Much Feedback

It’s important to note that hearing aids need to meet your individual hearing needs. When you first put in your new hearing aids, you may hear feedback and other annoying noises. This can be an issue with frequency and gain settings. This is why it’s very vital that you have professional help to set your hearing aids. They can adjust to fit your specific needs.

Voice Echoing

When you first put in your hearing aids, it can be very scary to hear your voice echoing every time that you talk. This is something that you may need to work on to get used to. If you still have an issue with the echoing after a few days, you may need to adjust the gain on your hearing aids.

Unusual Humming Noise

When you first put in your new hearing devices, it can seem overwhelming with all the things that you hear. Many new users report hearing constant humming and similar noises. The reality is that these noises are a result of appliances running in your home. Do yourself a favor and try to track down the source of the noise. You may find that you’re now able to hear the humming of your refrigerator or air conditioner.

Irritated Ears

Going from having nothing in your ears to wearing hearing aids all the time can be a big change for anyone. One key issue that many new users report is irritation in their ears. This is especially common for those who use in-the-ear style hearing aids. Wearing your new devices often is necessary to get used to them. But, pulling them out from time to time to give your ears a break is okay. You may need to work up to being able to wear them for hours at a time.

Call Us Today

If you’re experiencing hearing loss or a similar issue, then it’s time to give us a call. Let our hearing care team help you treat your hearing loss with our hearing aids. We can also assist with any hearing aids problems that you’re experiencing.