If you happen to feel like you have clogged ears, have your ears cleaned as soon as possible. It’s not advised to have your ear canals cleaned due to health concerns it might cause. When the wax builds up it will cause it to be harder to hear. You will need to have your ears cleaned immediately. This is to avoid further problems with your hearing. But don’t pick up that cotton swab! Using cotton swabs isn’t recommended because it pushes the wax further into your ear. Here are safer methods that you can use to clean your ears.

Use An Ear Pick

As mentioned, using a cotton swab pushes the wax further deeper into your ear. Use an ear pick, ear spoon, or ear scoop to help clean the ear canal. These work by scooping out the ear wax. We recommend having a family member or friend help you with this. Doing it on your own might damage your ear canal.

Use A Damp Cloth

To avoid further injuries or problems with wax deep in the canal, clean the outside area of your ears. We recommend using a warm, damp cloth. Pick up the washcloth, wipe the outside area of your ear and you are good to go.

Use An Earwax Softener

You can buy any earwax softener over-the-counter at your local pharmacy. These drops usually contain mineral oil, baby oil, saline, glycerin, or peroxide. Follow the directions on how many times you can drop the solution in your ear. Once done, you will wait the recommended time before rinsing. Remember to always follow the instructions that comes on the package.

Use A Syringe

Another method of cleaning your ears is through having it irrigated. This is where you can use water or a saline solution. Place the solution in a syringe and rinse the outer part of the ear canal. Use an earwax solution to help loosen up the earwax building up in the canal. It’s best to warm up the water solution to body temperature so that the user can avoid dizziness. Apply the earwax softener and leave it for 15 to 30 minutes before irrigating your ears.

Have It Flushed Out By The Doctor

If you wish to avoid further problems with earwax removal, you can visit the doctor. Ask them to remove the wax at their office. The doctor will check your ears. They will use the best equipment to flush out the earwax building up in your canal. This can involve spraying water inside your ear canal to flush out the earwax.

These methods are useful. This is especially true when you are at home and in need of a good ear cleaning. For professional help, contact your ear doctor to help clean your ears for you. Chicago Beltone is always happy to assist you with your hearing concerns. Contact us at (800) 900-6187.

Tags: cleaning ears, ear pick, earwax