Hearing loss occurs when someone cannot hear sounds in one or both ears. This usually happens over time. Some medical reports reveal that 25% of people between 65 and 74 experience hearing loss. Other common terms include decreased hearing and deafness.

One of the most common causes is blood conditions. Poor blood flow is often caused by circulatory system problems. This can restrict oxygen flow to the inner ear. Some of the conditions that affect blood flow include diabetes and heart complications. Other common causes include infections, diseases, and cancer. The following are some of the medical conditions that may lead to hearing loss.


The drug’s effect on hearing was first reported soon it came on the market over a century ago. Hearing loss is a side effect on the labels of aspirin. Some argue that the active ingredients lead to changes in the cochlea in the inner ear.

It’s also believed that higher daily doses can lead to tinnitus. Doctors prescribe this for people with chronic pain. According to some, a person can also suffer from tinnitus even after occasional use. Some of the risk factors include genetics, exposure to loud noises, kidney disease, and age.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Long-term regular use of the drugs is one of the causes of hearing loss in women. NSAID’s are some of the most used medications in the country. Some researchers have revealed that they may be toxic to the ears and nerves.

This leads to impaired outer ear function. This may cause reduced vascular supply to the cochlea. Researchers aimed to examine how the analgesic use affects the hearing ability. The study involved over 55,000 women who had not reported any hearing difficulties.


Some antibiotics are life-saving. They have are also a cause of hearing loss. To understand this link, a group of researchers looked to a group of test subjects: mice. These mice received gentamicin. They found that inflammation caused their sensory hair cells to absorb more antibiotics.

This allows more of the drugs to spread through the cochlea. They found one protein to help antibiotics get into the sensory cells. This was even if the inflammation has already occurred.

Chemotherapy Drugs

Treating cancer is always a hard time for individuals and their loved ones. Although chemotherapy drugs offer many benefits, some of their side effects aren’t obvious. One of the potential side effects of taking chemotherapy medication is hearing loss.

Call Us Today!

Do you have hearing loss or wonder which medications may lead to the medical problem? Give us a call today! Get more information on which drugs increase the chances of hearing loss. We can also help you with all your hearing aid needs. Schedule an appointment with one of our hearing care specialists today.

Tags: medication