Hearing Loss Comes In Different Forms

Hearing loss is a gradual process that tends to happen as you age. Exposure to loud noises and other factors like extra earwax can also cause hearing loss. Depending on the severity, hearing loss can be permanent or temporary. There are three types of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss. We go into more detail about these types of hearing loss below.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Certain conditions can cause conductive hearing loss. They include blocked canals, middle ear infections, and damaged eardrums and hearing bones.

Depending on the cause, your hearing care specialist will find the best treatment for you. For instance, antibiotics will treat ear infections or chronic middle fluid. Surgeries can happen in cases where the ear canal does not open at birth. Surgeries can also happen when there are issues in middle ear structures or if there isn’t an ear canal. Beltone hearing aids are also used to help in these situations.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss happens when there is a gradual loss of nerve endings. This can also happen when you start losing sound receptors. It is also know as nerve-related hearing loss. Patients have reduced sensitivity to sound. Aging, infections, genes, exposure to loud noises, tumors and issues in the inner ear are all causes.

You can treat sensorineural hearing loss by using corticosteroids. These reduce cochlea hair swelling and pain after exposure to loud noises. Emergency surgery happens when a patient suffers from head trauma. Head trauma can cause inner ear fluid to leak or rupture.

We recommend Beltone hearing aids if you have permanent sensorineural hearing loss. If hearing aids don’t help, a doctor may recommend surgery and cochlea implants.

Mixed Hearing Impairment

Mixed hearing loss happens a you have both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Damage in the middle or outer ear and inner year or nerve is the most common cause of this. It’s when both above-discussed hearing impairment conditions occur at the same time.

Audiologists help those with mixed hearing loss by fixing the conductive parts first. They may also treat both types of hearing loss until one starts to respond.

No matter the type of hearing loss you or your loved one may have, get immediate medical attention . Early treatment could help reverse or manage the condition. To learn more about hearing loss or to have your hearing tested, contact Chicago Beltone. You can call us at (800) 900-6187. You can also use our online form today!

Tags: conductive hearing loss, sennsorineural hearing