An ear infection can happen in the middle, outer, or inner ear. Bacteria from fluid buildup is the common cause of ear infections. When your child has an infection, they will be in pain. An ear infection is no exception. It will need treatment to make sure there are no future hearing issues.

What Causes Infection In Children?

A child can get an infection for several different reasons. Some of the following reasons are the main factors for ear infections.

  • Immune system. Your child’s immune system is still developing. A weak immune system can lead to ear infections.
  • Anatomy. The drainage tube that connects the ear to the back of the throat is narrower and smaller than adults. This can lead to bacteria getting stuck in the middle ear which can cause an infection.
  • Enlarged adenoids. The adenoids of your child help to produce white blood cells. These help fight off infections. Adenoids are at the back of the nose and connect to the throat. When these become enlarged, it keeps the ear from draining. This can lead to infections.
  • Seasonal allergies. If your child suffers from seasonal allergies, they may be more prone to infections. This doesn’t only mean they’ll develop ear infections. Talk to your child’s doctor if they keep developing infections. Their allergies may be more severe.
  • Sinus infections. Sinus infections can cause improper drainage and ear infections. If your child often gets sinus infections, and it affects their ears, talk to their doctor.
  • Secondhand smoke. Studies show that secondhand smoke may cause inflammation in the ear. This can cause ear infections.

Are Ear Infections More Common In The Winter Or Summer?

During the summer months, your child will be more likely to get an ear infection of the outer ear. During the winter months, middle ear infections will be more common due to colds and viruses. Either way, be on the lookout for the signs of an ear infection. They can happen at any time.

Can Ear Infections Be Hereditary?

Yes, ear infections can be hereditary. Children can have repeated ear infections if a sibling or parent has ear infections. It’s important to note that ear infections are not contagious. So if your child has had many ear infections, look to you and your family.

Signs And Symptoms

There are several different signs that your child may have an infection. It is important to look for these signs to make sure that your child is not at risk for hearing issues. If they are in a lot of pain, have a fever, or are fussy, they might have an infection. Crying, loss of their appetite, and not sleeping well are other signs of an infection.  If you start noticing them pulling at their ear or drainage coming from their ear, it’s an ear infection. If you find that they are having trouble hearing, it’s time to get help from your doctor. The ear infection might have gone untreated for too long.


If your child has an issue with their ears, take them to a hearing care specialist. Doing this will help to prevent hearing loss. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics and ear drops to help clear the issue. If your child has frequent infections, your doctor may suggest they have tube surgery. This can help their ears drain better.

Can Infections Cause Hearing Issues?

Yes, hearing loss can happen if ear infections become severe. It can also happen if you ignore or do not treat an ear infection. Fluid build-up and bacteria can cause pressure on the eardrum. This can cause permanent hearing loss. Early treatment of ear infections can help to avoid any issues with your child’s hearing.

Call Us Today

If your child has issues with their hearing, please call us at Chicago Beltone today. Our team of hearing care specialists will check your child’s hearing. We’ll see how severe their hearing issue is and what we can do to help it. We are here for your whole family all year round.

Tags: children, ear infection